Author: CJ Cornell

  • The Guru Paradox

    The Guru Paradox

    The Experience Slide The Management Team. It’s the most important slide in the investor pitch deck. This is what all new entrepreneurs learn from the get-go. And it’s this slide that speaks volumes about the perception of “experience” in this modern era of entrepreneurship. As investors and advisors to a statewide economic development program, each month we’d listen to…

  • New Book Redefines Modern Entrepreneurship

    The Age of Metapreneurship Challenges the Foundations, and Redefines the Principles of Modern Entrepreneurship. New book by CJ Cornell chronicles a series of vast shifts in the business landscape that subtly transformed entrepreneurship – making the rules and lessons of the past obsolete – and charts a new path for building successful companies in the 21st Century. What happens…

  • Chapters Overview

    Chapters Overview

    What’s Ahead The Age of Metapreneurship is a journey, traveling from old terrain to the new. Together, we’ll explore entrepreneurship’s recent past, and how the past is starting to hold us back. We’ll look at the major forces shaping business, culture, customers and technology, and see how they converge to create a new style of…

  • The Age of Metapreneurship – is Here!

    The Age of Metapreneurship is here! Get the book now on Amazon! by CJ Cornell    With 100,000 how-to books, dozens of entrepreneurship programs in every city and an expert on every website – it should be pretty easy to become a successful entrepreneur. But something’s wrong. Techniques and advice that were effective 5 or…

  • The Age of Metapreneurship

    The Age of Metapreneurship

    Everyone wants to be an entrepreneur: they’re the rock stars of the business world. With 100,000 how-to books, dozens of entrepreneurship programs in every city, and an expert on every website – it should be pretty easy to become a successful entrepreneur. But something’s wrong. Subtly, the world changed. Technology advanced and people changed. And yet, the field of entrepreneurship…

  • Annotated Table of Contents

    Annotated Table of Contents

    For those who are interested, here’s the expanded table of contents (chapter titles, headers and subheading titles) – to provide a little insight as to the style and content of the book. The Age of Metapreneurship by CJ Cornell   Prologue Panic Heyday The Dark Side Struggles Real-Time Entrepreneurship Kids These Days Don’t Panic Wisdom…

  • The Metapreneurs

    The Metapreneurs

    The Metapreneurs They are not just entrepreneurs in the traditional sense. Many are indeed starting cutting-edge ventures, designed to scale and grow. Others look like small businesses, while some don’t even look like businesses at all. But their innovative, risk-taking activities are part of something bigger, more integrated and more collaborative. Metapreneurship is entrepreneurship with…

  • Foundations of Metapreneurship

    Foundations of Metapreneurship

     The Foundations   Abundance in Everything. Everywhere. Immediately. It all starts with this familiar concept – abundance: a concept that emerged from the dotcom era, now mature and embedded in everything we do. But now abundance is more than just quantity and sheer volume of content. It’s abundance of connections; abundance of connected people; abundance…

  • Great, Lousy Advice for Entrepreneurs

    Great, Lousy Advice for Entrepreneurs

    Browse Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or any entrepreneurship blog, and within minutes you’ll find at least 20 gems of entrepreneurial wisdom quoted from the mega-successful moguls. This wisdom is guaranteed to jumpstart your venture, and inspire you to entrepreneurial greatness. These “secrets” or “rules” for success sound so powerful that they’re immortalized in motivational posters and animated…